Daniel Crystal recently announced on social media, “My band, High Neighbor, recently released our first two singles, “Back Attack” and “Stuck in the Radio” (pictured), which I wrote and composed with the help of my bandmates Riley Pfaff Nelson French Justin Sherman and Scott Pledger, as part of a larger album project. I wanted to share these with my network and anyone else with interest in giving us a listen. I appreciate all of the support and streams we’ve received so far. Here are the links to our Spotify and Apple Music pages. We are also on pretty much all streaming platforms.
The five of us bandmates are lucky enough to work at organizations that give us the balance and resources to explore our passions for music in our free time. Shoutout to my current and former employer Simatree and Gartner as well as the other guys’s Washington Nationals, Accenture, Chesapeake Climate Action Network, and CGI
If interested, please contact us at highneighborband@gmail.com for any and all inquiries. Thanks!”
Stephen Crystal, Father of Daniel Crystal, said, “I’m thrilled to announce that my son’s band, High Neighbor, has just released their first two singles! As a proud father and music lover, I couldn’t be more excited to share their talent with you all. I encourage you all to give their music a listen and share your thoughts with us. Thank you for your support!”